This Oblivious Sketch Pad has the same functions as the Oblivous Board the only different is that its in a pad form.
The pen can write through all the sheets of paper of the book without any issues.
Comes with a bic pen and a wireless charger.
As always dont confuse Oblivious products with cheap chinese copies and knockoffs
Oblivious SketchPad V2.0
SKU: 366615376135191
- Range: Up to 100 meters.
- Compact: 170mm x 240mm Elite board is 4mm thin and the platinum board is 5mm thin
- Battery: 2-3 days (in standby).
- Fully examinable, electronics are sealed completely inside
- Addons available
- 1 hour charge will give you approximatly 5 hours performance time.
- Wireless charging
- 1 year Warranty